Professor Geoffrey P. Bingham, PhD. (Psychology Page, Cognitive Science Page, Class Syllabi)
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1985.
Human visual and haptic perception, event perception, coordination and control of motor activity, visually guided reaching.
I spent my boomer (b.1954) childhood in Northampton, MA, the Pioneer Valley and surrounding Berkshire hills. My college years were at Trinity College in Hartford, CT and
Smith College, interrupted by a year working at the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. After two years working as a computer programmer, I entered grad school studying
perception with MT Turvey and RE Shaw at UConn. I did my dissertation on a Fulbright with G Johansson in Uppsala, Sweden, then a fellowship with MA Arbib at UMass,
followed by a postdoc studying action with JAS Kelso at Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, CT. In 1989, I joined the faculty in Psychological and Brain Sciences and
Cognitive Science at Indiana University.
email: gbingham at indiana.edu